All data is from a 2022 RAND Report on the New York Health Act. Download the Report Here.

Save Money.

No premiums, copays, or deductibles.

How Much?

$2,800 per person

On average, families earning less than $105,300 a year would see their health care payments drop by $2,800 per person annually. That’s a huge relief for working families—reducing health care costs from 23% of household income to just 16%!

What About for Businesses?


<25 employees


25-99 employees


100+ employees

(Per Employee)

[RAND 2023]

For firms with fewer than 25 employees, contributions to health benefits would decrease by 16% to 19% per employee, depending on the year. This reduction translates to saving $100s to over $1,000s per employee annually.

How Does it Work?

A new Payroll tax would replace insurance premiums.



Gross Paycheck


Federal Taxes


State and Local Taxes


Social Security




Average Health Insurance Premium in NY


Take Home Pay

After NY Health


Gross Paycheck


Federal Taxes


State and Local Taxes


Social Security




New York Health

$1441 (+15%)

Take Home Pay

Calculated using average New York income of about $52,000. Assuming standard tax conditions. Using payroll tax rate formulae found in the RAND report on pages 47 and 51. These sections outline the payroll tax rates, including specific brackets and their corresponding rates for different income levels, as well as their potential impact on employers and employees​.

What’s Covered?




Long-Term Care after 2 yrs.

Same Prescription Drug Prices as Medicaid

What’s Not Covered?

Cosmetic Surgery

Infertility Treatments

Adult Orthodontics

But Wait! There’s More…

More Time with Your Doctor.

With the New York Health Act, doctors would spend less time on paperwork and insurance approvals, thanks to streamlined billing through a single-payer system.

Medical Freedom.

No more restrictive networks—visit any provider in New York State without worrying about being "out of network."

Levels the Playing Field.

The New York Health Act makes it fair for all businesses by replacing expensive private health insurance with a simple, shared system. Small businesses save money and can compete better with big companies that used to get better deals on health insurance.


The New York Health Act makes sure everyone in New York gets the same great healthcare, no matter how much money they have or where they’re from. It covers everyone, including people without insurance now, so no one is left out.